Dormant Companies in Hong Kong

A dormant company is considered to be a company which does not trade and has no significant transactions throughout a given timeframe. This should not be confused with the colloquial term “non-trading companies” as they are substantially different. A non-trading company means it is currently carrying out no business, but it does not mean it […]


2021-22 Hong Kong Budget

On 24 February 2021, the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong announced the Budget for the fiscal year 2021-22. The forecast is that for the fiscal year 2020-21, there will be a deficit of around HKD 257.6 billion, and that the fiscal reserves are expected to become HKD 902.7 billion by 31 March 2021. The focus […]

setting up a business in China - HKWJ Tax Law

Setting up a Business in Mainland China

Given China’s vast population and emerging middle class, its market potentials are a huge opportunity for a having a business in China. Better still, China is maintaining its commitment to further open up its market and boost inbound foreign investments. Whilst China’s economic reform and opening-up policies began 40 years ago, its economic performance is […]

offshore company HKWJ Tax Law

Offshore Company vs Offshore Income

For years, people have incorporated offshore entities for the benefit of asset protection, privacy or tax reduction. Although an offshore company is a popular vehicle for people to carry a business from, it is surprising to see how many people tend to mix up the concept of an offshore entity with the concept of an […]