tax implication of COVid 19 restrictions - HKWJ Tax Law

COVID-19 Tax Impacts

COVID-19 has affected most, if not all, people and businesses worldwide. Due to worldwide strict quarantine measurements and travel restrictions, people are being banned or discouraged from entering and leaving countries and consequently are required by (local) governments and/or their employers to work from home or even from different countries. This has created undesired COVID-19 […]

hong kong government budget - HKWJ Tax Law

Hong Kong 2020-21 Budget

On 26 February 2020, the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong announced the Budget for the fiscal year 2020-21. The forecast is that for the fiscal year 2019-20, there will be a deficit of around HKD 37.8 billion, and that the fiscal reserves are expected to become HKD 1,133.1 billion by 31 March 2020. The focus […]